Charlie and the Photography Factory

May 18, 2009

The House on Visingsö Row

Filed under: Sweden, Visingsö — Tags: , , , , , , , , , — charlieprator @ 6:57 PM


Welcome back to the factory.  I hope you enjoy today’s story and photo–fresh off the factory floor.

Last Saturday I had the pleasure of venturing to Visingsö, the big island located in the middle of Lake Vättern.   After enjoying some sandwiches and wine near 16th century castle ruins, we embarked on our adventure through the many parts of northern Visingsö.

During our bike ride we got the chance to rest under an electric windmill, visit a secluded Swedish trinket and tea shop (Where I got a Jaw Harp. Does anyone know how to play it),  relax on the island’s beach, and enjoy a red sunset.  All of it recorded on my camera, and soon to be enjoyed on this site.

This whole island was filled with small cottages like these, and in these cottages were the stereotypical grandma and grandpas.  It was kind of like the place you would imagine every matured married couple dreams about retiring.  Somewhere quiet. Somewhere secluded.  Somewhere peaceful enough to rest.  It was almost, ¨too idyllic,¨ as Amy put it.

Although, Sweden is quite the dual world.  In the winter Sweden succumbs to cold covered skies of dreary clouds, and an overall lack of brightness and color. However, when that suns peaks for the first time everything transforms.  In thinking about this,  I believe I have experienced more perfect weather days in Sweden than I did back home. But, that could’ve been because in Texas we never really had the dreary weather to put perfect weather into perspective.

Speaking of home, I have finally made the decision to stay in Sweden.  It had been on mind for quite some time, and until recently I didn’t have the full scale of obstacles in front of me.   Be that as it may,  I decided to stick with my plan, and plow through the red tape (I mean thats all life is regardless of the locale–red tape).

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